YMCA New American Welcome Center

Para servicios en español en el YMCA, llame a Jose Santiago at 717-825-1928


In January of 2018, the national YMCA organization honored the YMCA of the Roses as one of the fifteen YMCAs to expand its community service work, granting it the title of YMCA New American Welcoming Center and creating a culture of inclusivity for all individuals and their families.

That same year and in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, the YMCA New American Welcome Center York worked with Church World Service Lancaster to receive and resettle almost 200 families from Puerto Rico.

Beginning in 2021, the YMCA New American Welcome Center York began assisting newly arriving Haitian migrants and newcomers from other TPS (Temporary Protected Status) countries. By fall 2023, York NAWC had begun working with 800 newly arrived families or individuals. There are an estimated 300-6000 Haitian newcomers who have arrived and settled in York since 2021. There are also newcomers from arriving from many other countries including Ukraine, Cuba, Guatemala, Venezuela, Congo, Ghana, and Egypt. The York YMCA NAWC strives to offer welcoming support to all who come.

Our Work

For Language & Education:

  1. Free, open-entry ESL classes and referrals to other ESL programs
  2. Facilitating enrollment of children in school
  3. Assisting in connection to quality childcare
  4. Advising and assistance for GED, community college and vocational school access

For Economic Integration & Employment:

  1. Assisting with completion of Work Authorization applications
  2. Teaching workplace English and assisting with job applications
  3. Helping to navigate the new hire process and paperwork

For Health & Well-being:

  1. Connecting clients to medical and dental care.
  2. Navigating medical insurance information and financial assistance applications
  3. Connecting clients with basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, utilities, and household necessities
  4. Assisting with accessing public transportation
  5. Supporting schools and school enrollment; help in obtaining children’s required immunizations
  6. Establishing and maintaining relationships of support to connect clients with resources in the community and with donations of needed items

For Citizenship & Civic Engagement:

  1. Assisting with understanding immigration paperwork and requirements of the immigration processes
  2. Providing transportation and assistance at local immigration offices and services
  3. Educating about and introducing American culture and community involvement

For Community Development:

  1. Building relationships and opportunities with interested groups and organizations within the community to educate and connect to local immigrant/migrant community members
  2. Building awareness and responsiveness within the community service providers by sharing information and cultural insight about newcomer groups within our community, and working together to identify and lessen barriers to access.

For York County clients, contact Deb Detzel at 717-819-0180 or [email protected] 

For Lancaster County clients, contact Jordyn Kapustka at 717-393-9622 x1112 or [email protected]

To hear about the program from a family it serves, watch the below video!

Blue snowflake

YMCA of the Roses
All branches will be opening at 8:00 AM
Monday, January 20th
Please follow FB pages below for any additional information, Group exercises classes may be on a limited schedule.

To get the most up-to-date weather alerts follow your local branch on Facebook! Branches will post weather updates to their Facebook pages.

Arthur J. Glatfelter YMCA

Bob Hoffman Dover YMCA

City Center YMCA

Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA

The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA

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Thank you for your patience; stay safe!