Roses Society Members


The Roses Society

The Roses Society is comprised of individuals who have made the ultimate gift of including the YMCA in their end of life plans. Funds from this society go to the Y’s endowment so that future generations will continue to experience the YMCA’s
life-changing work.

Ways to join the Roses Society include leaving a gift in your will, adding the YMCA of the Roses to your life insurance policy, a cash gift, or gift of appreciated assets.

To learn more about the Roses Society, please go to or call
717-812-0119 x300

William Anstine
Suzanna Anstine Norbeck
Debra Apple
Benjamin and Lisa Bamford
John and Martha Barry
Paul and Kay Bechtold
Robert and Emy Belser
Heike & Fred Bloom
Barbara and William (Billy) Boben III
Bernie and Beth Bostwick
Michael & Leslie Bowman
Robert & Barbara Boyer
Katherine Boyer
Mark and Susan Broomell
Steven and Mary Jo Bucklen
Ed and Heidi Burton
Phil & Janet Calhoun
Fred and Aralene Callahan
Melvin Campbell
Anthony and Stephanie Campisi
Stephanie Carfley, Esq.
Robert D. Carl, III
Dana Chryst
Anne Coe
Mary Alice Dean
Terry and Gloria Degler
Steven W. and Caroline Denney
Jon & Jan Edmonds
Deborah Ehleiter
Theodore Elicker
William Evans
Robert and Julie Evarts
Kenneth & Diane Falk
Andy & Diane Fletcher
John and Deborah Flinchbaugh
David Frederick
Susan Friedman
Elmer and Vonnie Fromm
John Galbreath
Nancy and Casimir Gieniec
Michael Gingerich
Thomas and Jennifer Goldbach
Dennis and Betty Jo Grimm
Linda and Robert Groff
Joseph and Kimberly Hackett
John & Jan Herrold
Robney Hibner
Carrie and Thomas Hale Hill
Thomas and Ann Hinkle
Jean Hittie
George and Marty Hodges
Nancy Hoeltzel
Blaise and Sheryl Holzbauer
Grant Hummer
Sharon and Brad Ilgenfritz
William and Betty Jean Jefferson
Cricket Johnson
Kenneth & Barbara Johnston
Craig and Lynne Kay
James & Jody Keller
Robert J. Kilgour
Fred Kinsey
Anne Kinsley
Joseph Kirkenir
Nancy Klahold
W. Peter and Christine Knepp
Crystal Kottcamp
Kenneth and Violet Kreider
Gina and James Kruper
Rob Kurtshoft
Robert Lee
Stanton LeFever
W. Matthew Leininger
Todd and Heather Lindsley
Wanda Linebaugh-Blakemore
Paul and Lois Linfield
George and Mary Lynn Long
Peter and Margaret Lutz
Keith Martin
Lance Minnich
Rick & Meredith Mowen
Barbara Myers
Thomas Norris
Stephen and Laura Olin
Michael Patrick
Gilbert Peterson
William and Bonnie Poole
Robert and Donna Pullo
Rick and Vanessa Rankin
Clair and Joan Rau
Sally Raub
André and Patricia Renna
Larry and Lisa Richardson
Randy Riggs
Annette Rineer-Tighe
James & Susan Sanders
Roger Sandt
James and Lori Sanger
James and Sally Saxton
Thomas and Carolyn Schaeberle
Mary Scott
Michael Scott
Kimberly Sease
Richard and Susan Seavey
Keith Sheffer
William and Michelle Shipley
Mary Ann Shirk
Kevin Shively
Judy Simpson
Pete and Kit Slaugh
Terry & Sally Smith
C. Price Smith
Joe and Laurie Anne Spagnola
Richard and Wendy Stauffer
Kathryn Summers
Meg Swartz
Marlin and Doris Thomas
Jack Treier
Kenneth and Gail Twiford
Timothy Tymon
José E. Urdaneta
Mary and Jon Walker
Kenneth Wallick
Peggy Walters
Paul and Judy Ware
E Philip Wenger
Robert J. Wesoloskie
Kim Whiteley
Kenneth W. Whitney
Barbara and Daniel Witmer
Linda Yakacki
Sarah Young Fisher