We're here to make sure all kiddos can be the best they can be, no matter what!
The YMCA has programs for children of all ages and, thanks to generous financial assistance, all families can enroll their kiddos!

High School/College Prep Programs
Our team works with our community’s young adults so that they enter high school, college, or the workforce ready to succeed! Between help with applications, SAT prep, career training, summer learning, and personal tutoring, there’s something for everyone!
We also recently added the Temple Guard program to our lineup for young adults to learn the keys to a successful life through military-style step and drum lines!
Click here to learn more about all of our youth development programs!

Exciting Youth Sports
Kids should (and love to!) be moving and playing so we have sports for kiddos of all ages and abilities. We offer soccer, flag football, volleyball, Nerf tag, basketball, fencing, volleyball, and more! Keep your children active while instilling them with the YMCA values of Caring, Honest, Respect, and Responsibility!

Childcare and More
Every day is chance for a child to grow in our childcare! Passionate and hardworking YMCA staff make sure every kiddo in our care is safe and engaged in enriching activities. During the pandemic, we enhanced our traditional childcare by improving the facilities’ internet connections, constructing specialized workspaces, training YMCA staff on school curriculums, and purchasing new technology. We also have childcare for infants and toddlers in our York Branch YMCA.
Click here to learn more about our school age child development/childcare

Pre-K for All
Our branches have award-winning Pre-K programs for all families! Thanks to generous donations, we’re able to enroll kiddos for free or reduced cost so that all children can enter kindergarten ready to learn! Caring and nurturing staff encourage physical activity and
team building through a variety of recreational games while giving students opportunities to explore on their own through a variety of activities, including science, math, literacy, crafts, dramatic play, manipulatives, and more.

The Summer of a Lifetime at Camp
Summer is a time for kids to be kids so the YMCA makes its summer camps accessible for all children and families. Our camps across the county give kiddos chances to make new friends and spend time with old ones over enriching outdoor and nature-based activities, such as rock climbing, archery, hikes, lodges, swimming, and more. Before and after care ensures that caregivers can continue working without worrying if their children are safe and secure.
What are you waiting for?
Go to your local branch or call us to join the YMCA family TODAY!
York Branch YMCA
90 North Newberry Street
York, PA 17401
The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA
100 Constitution Avenue
Shrewsbury, PA 17361
The Bob Hoffman YMCA
1705 Palomino Road
Dover, PA 17315
City Center YMCA
265 Harrisburg Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603
Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA
800 Village Road
Lancaster, PA 17602